인적성 결과 (Plum Assessment)
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인적성 결과 (Plum Assessment)

Top Talents (강점)


1. Peacemaker


The ability to bring others together to resolve conflicts and reconcile differences.


  • Excellent at examining issues from multiple viewpoints and analyzing information to find the best solution.
  • Exceptional at identifying effective strategies to resolve conflict and managing difficult interpersonal situations.
  • Strong at staying calm and remaining impartial in the midst of conflict.
  • Good at encouraging and building mutual respect, and displaying sensitivity in difficult situations.
  • Very capable of being considerate in difficult circumstances and aiming to achieve mutually agreeable solutions.


2. Chief Communicator


The ability to convey ideas effectively and identify messages others are attempting to convey.


  • Exceptional at knowing the "right thing" to say to people and understanding how people will react.
  • Strong at speaking clearly, conveying positivity, and being sociable.
  • Very good at being courteous, cooperative, and considerate with others.


3. True Team Player


The ability to work effectively with people and cooperate with others.


  • Strong at building positive relationships and contributing to a positive team spirit.
  • Able to provide support, commit to team goals, and make others feel appreciated.
  • Very capable of developing long-term relationships built on positive interactions.



Work Style (업무스타일)


I am (기본 성향)

  • Excellent at analyzing and answering very complex problems.
  • Excellent at navigating the most difficult interpersonal situations and understanding subtle social cues.
  • Likely to be calm, steady, even-tempered, and composed.
  • Likely to be focused on conventional and familiar activities.
  • Likely to be outgoing, sociable, excited, and expressive.
  • Likely to be easygoing and accommodating.
  • Likely to be modest, humble, pleasant, considerate, generous, and cooperative.


Professionally (업무적 성향)

  • Exceptionally well suited to positions that require analyzing complex information to choose the best solution.
  • Exceptionally well suited to positions that require identifying and understanding the motivations and feelings of others.
  • Well suited to positions with clear and attainable goals.
  • Well suited to making difficult decisions and producing work without error in situations that are stressful or time sensitive.
  • Well suited to positions where accomplishing tasks does not involve ample criticism.
  • Well suited to well-structured workplaces that prioritize regularity and uniformity, such as larger or more mature organizations.
  • Well suited to positions that require frequent social interaction and meeting new people.
  • Well suited to organizations and positions that appreciate team players that support efforts to meet objectives.
  • Well suited to positions that require working with others and being friendly.


At work (직장 생활)

  • Are exceptionally capable of learning and using reason to overcome difficult obstacles.
  • Are exceptionally capable of identifying effective interpersonal strategies, and know the right thing to say to resolve disagreements.
  • Prefer achieving clear, attainable goals.
  • Prefer excitement, and some spontaneity and activity.
  • Enjoy familiar experiences and routine activities.
  • Enjoy interacting with different people and working on larger teams.
  • Prefer letting others take the lead.
  • Appreciate opportunities to collaborate and cooperate with others.